EdFoC Mini: We are back! - Edinburgh Festival of Cycling

EdFoC Mini: We are back!

EdFoC Mini: We are back!

The Edinburgh Festival of Cycling 2022 is back, but not with the full 10-day festival, this will be a jam packed weekend of events to get EdFoC started again. The EdFoC Mini will take place over the weekend of 16th and 17th July 2022.

Due to the global pandemic, we have been unable to run the internationally recognised traditional 10-day festival Edinburgh Festival of Cycling. Getting the full 10-day festival up and running takes six months of planning and hard work, given the uncertainty around COVID-19, we have decided this year just to run smaller pop-up events to get things going again. We are planning to bring back the full 10-day Edinburgh Festival of Cycling in 2023.

If you are interested in getting involved, please get in touch.

Edinburgh Festival of Cycling