Good Morning Ride - Edinburgh Festival of Cycling

Good Morning Ride

Image shows a cyclist on a road bike, travelling past an expanse of grass

Event Details

Good Morning Ride

The Edinburgh Road Club (ERC) invites you to try out one of their regular group cycle rides, open for anyone wishing to get involved in a cycling group and learn some new routes around Edinburgh.

The group will convene at the Royal Commonwealth Pool for a 9:30am start, and the ride will take approximately 2.5-3 hours.

This ride is aimed at persons aged 15yrs+ who are able to ride their bike at a moderate steady pace (14-16mph) alongside other cyclists. The format is normal riding, usually two abreast, and riders may occasionally change position to take a turn on the front. Based on the group’s ability, we may try a chaingang.

The ride will be led by an experienced ride leader who will direct the route and look after everyone. Although this ride is not for complete novices, no-one will be left behind, with the group stopping for mechanicals and regrouping on hills, etc. There will also be an optional coffee stop.

All riders must have their own bike, helmet, and back light.

Edinburgh Festival of Cycling