Cycling Collisions and Civil Law - Edinburgh Festival of Cycling

Cycling Collisions and Civil Law

The photo show the Cycle Law Scotland legal team dresses in their cycle team kit, with their bikes at an event. There is a large marquee in the background

Event Details

Cycling Collisions and Civil Law

Specialist cycling solicitors from Cycle Law Scotland will use case studies and videos to highlight potential problem areas for cycling in Edinburgh based on their knowledge as solicitors representing injured cyclists, but also as cyclists themselves.

They will discuss cases involving the tram tracks, junctions, dooring, filtering, hit from behind and road surface defects such as potholes. Most importantly, they will also explain what they can do to help should the worst happen to you and also what you can do to help them.

Tickets: Free, book your tickets here.

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Head and shoulders portrait of Jodi Gordon, who will be giving the talk

Edinburgh Festival of Cycling