Volunteer programme distributors needed - Edinburgh Festival of Cycling

Volunteer programme distributors needed

Volunteer programme distributors needed

Now that the Edinburgh Festival of Cycling is back with a full 10-day programme after a five-year break, we need you to help us distribute the 10,000 printed programme booklets across Edinburgh and beyond. The map below shows how far and wide programmes were distributed in 2019.

Here is how it works
* pick up bundles of the programme
* take them to places such as cafés, bike shops, libraries, sports centres, work places, dentist’s waiting rooms, etc. and ask if you can leave a few (normally 10-20, but some places will be happy to make more).
* tells the EdFoC team where you have left them and how many (there’s an online spreadsheet we’ll give you access to). We then put a pin in the interactive 2024 map to help people find a copy.

This is a great opportunity to get out and ride your bike with a purpose 😉

Interested? Please get in touch.


EdFoC Needs You: The image is based on the famous recruiting poster, a moustachioed man with a peaked hat points out at the viewer. The words "EdFoC Needs YOU" are displayed below his face.

Edinburgh Festival of Cycling